Saturday, 30 March 2013

Prep Wax Resist- Alphabet Scramble

I wanted to do something simple for the last lesson of the term (1 class) and I saw something similar to this online and though I would give it a try.

Preps chose letters from their name or just random letters of the alphabet and drew them onto A4 paper with oil pastels. Preps used small letters and large letters and tried our best to fill the page. Preps went over and around their letters with watercolour paint. The goal was to make the page as colourful as possible!

Great Results!


Thursday, 28 March 2013

Year 4 Embroidery - The Backstitch

No sewing machine used here folks!

Year 4s have spent the first term embroidering a beautiful pillow or tapestry. Students concentrated on creating beautiful little stitches and we ended up with heaps of fantastic and unique designs.

I am even loving the fact that there is a handful of year 6s who were inspired by the Year 4s work and are now doing embroidery for their art pieces. 

***Not all students completed a pillow and opted for the hanging tapestry (the actually stitching of the pillow takes roughly 2 classes). Two classes lost two hours of art due to the public holiday and planning week so there are some who are still finishing off their pillows. Other students who took longer with their embroidering are coming in at lunch to finish stitching their pillows. 

Cross your fingers that next year I might be brave enough to do felties/softies with the new Year 4s!

Year 5 and 6 Art Pieces

A big wave of art pieces finished just in time for the holidays. Most students were excited to bring their art piece home to share with their family but I did convince some students that their art piece should stay at school to be displayed after the holidays! Hooray for two weeks off!