Friday, 13 March 2015

The Year 6s have been working on the most AMAZING self-portraits! These are the finished ones and I can't wait to post the rest.


Year 2 Moving Portraits


 Year 2s used fineliners and watercolour paint to create these beauties!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Magical Moments

I wish I could capture every amazing thing that happens in the art room... Here is a tiny snippet of what goes on in the art room! One of my goals this year is to take more photos.

2S with their amazing self-portraits!
Beads for the Prep fairy garden and school garden.
Year 3 Weaving
Preps painting their shapes
Community Art Board (before I changed it!)  
Year 5s and their lovely ideas!
What happened to the 2 finger blending rule?
A quiet space in the art room.

Preps and Shapes

Preps learned that shapes can often be found int art! They used texta and watercolour to create these marvellous pieces of art.